MOOP in every City

Matter out of place, aka MOOP, is a fact of urban life

Some of the MOOP comes from inevitable decay of our public spaces due to weather & usage (eg potholes), but some if also due to other is due to anti-social behavior (eg noise, graffiti).

Improving our common areas is in everyone's best interest, and is no one's responsibility. Similar to the environment at large, our cities are suffering from the Tragedy of the Commons.

Current Solutions Have Room For Improvement

Co-production systems like 311 rely on collaboration between citizens and local governments to ensure that the needs of the people are met. By crowd sourcing information, and involving citizens in the decision-making process, local governments can create effective solutions that are tailored to the needs of their constituents.

The technology used by 311 went through a boom of innovation in the early 2010s, but have largely stumbled to adopt latest in web, mobile and data technologies.

Pain Cycle

Existing challenges in 311

MOOP was created to...

  • Increase transparency and help urban constituents make informed decisions, and see progress which promotes collaboration.
  • Evaluate if AI* has the potential to disrupt & dramatically improve Co-Production/311.
  • Be a for-profit business, and has since evolved into an open "passion" project

* specifically; Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing

Where should I go from here?

Get a high level view of a City's 311 operations. For example, San Francisco's growing Backlog, or Boston's Seasonal trends in reported cases, or NYC's daily 311 Case open/close-rate

See recent tweets from SF's 311 office on Twitter

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